Friday, April 12, 2013

Two Days Left

Today I found out more about what will happen on Monday. I was given a time to report to the hospital - 5:30AM! Even though I am not a morning person, I am pleased. I doubt I will sleep very well the night before, and I would just as soon get up and get on with it!

I talked to the nurse and she explained the procedure:

--no food or water starting midnight the night before
--antiseptic wash the night before (details later on that one!)
--bring snacks, ID, Insurance card, not much else
--after checking in, I will see a nurse, get an IV, talk to the anesthesiologist, see my doctor...

She told me I will be having a spinal block, and that when I wake up I might not feel my legs. I had that experience before, so no worries. I will also receive a femoral catheter which deadens the thigh muscles (quads). That stays in place until the next morning, so it  will mean that I cannot get out of bed without a brace on my leg and someone to help me.

The snacks are important because she will be bringing me meds and wants me to have some food on my stomach for that. I will be having physical therapy 3 times a week at home for the first two weeks. The physical therapist will determine if I need crutches or only a cane to leave the hospital. 

This evening I felt nervous - not worried-nervous, more a feeling that I can't shut my mind off. That sent me to the piano for a bit. Even though the flute is my instrument, I dabbled on the piano for many years. My dad used to say that I always took my troubles to the keyboard, and worked them out there. So I suppose that is what I was thinking. I felt better afterward.

I spent most of today outside - puttering in the garden, straightening out the potted flowers on the front porch, washed my car (In ONE cup of water!!), watered the rose garden, and pulled a bunch of weeds. I find that being in touch with nature creates energy and strength. 

I am ready. Two days to go....

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