Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Insurance, and Waiting

By the end of February, I have emailed my questions to my doctor, he answered, and I indicated a desire to move forward. Next comes the scheduling and insanity of medical insurance.

I must say, it rather blows my mind: If I wanted to buy a new car, I would check prices, evaluate dealerships, etc. No one would expect me to walk in, select a car and sign a contract that says I will pay whatever amount my insurance won't pay--without having an idea of what that amount might be!!!!! But that is exactly what our medical insurance/system demands. You say you will pay whatever is your share of an unknown cost! But I digress: back to the knee.

So the next few weeks are involved with phone calls, pre-approvals, case managers, a certain amount of confusion....and finally we get a date set: April 15. I have to attend a pre-surgery class two weeks prior to that.

As I wait, I keep exploring the internet, and looking for videos of Makoplasty. The more I see, the more I like. I love the idea that this MAY mean I will never need the full knee replacement that was originally projected. There are no guarantees...if my body continues to tear up the cartilage in the other side of the knee, I may still need full replacement. But in the meanwhile, I get to have better use of my knees!

I have never had surgery, and had NO idea of all the stuff to do! I really like that my surgery is being done at a Joint Center. They set up all the appointments, tests, education for one day.

Two weeks to go: The Pre-Surgery Class Day
I met with my surgeon, saw an internal medicine doctor, had x-rays, a CT scan, blood tests, urinalysis, nose swab, EKG, and my heart and lungs were listened to. I spent two hours in a pre-surgery class where they covered all the things I can/cannot do in the next two weeks, and all that I need to do.

Who knew there was so much involved?

The biggest surprise was that I have to discontinue all my herbs, and most of my vitamins. I find out I can't see a dentist for 3 months...YIKES! I am due for cleaning...but I was able to get in the next day and they said that would be fine. Whew! Onward I go.

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