Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Six Weeks, Post-Op

I have finally hit that 6-week mark. I feel like the last 3 weeks have been a process of "two steps forward, one step back." I began this journey anticipating a fairly easy ride with no complications. Too bad it didn't quite go that way--but life is made up of such things. Here is where I stand today:

  • The infection at the base of my knee is on the run, but not conquered.
  • I am off the antibiotics, because they led to a yeast infection.
  • I can navigate most stairs going up, but I try to always take it mindfully and slowly. I apply my knowledge of proper step-technique by leaning forward from the hips, and using my glutes to lift my body.
  • I can go down stairs, but have to be able to support some weight by holding onto handrails-preferably on both sides.
  • Yesterday I sat down and crossed my "new" knee over the other, without even thinking about what I was doing. It felt good! (I know, sitting with the legs crossed isn't good for the knees, spine and hips. But it is a benchmark to be able to do it.)
  • I walked a mile the other day.
  • I did a full hour of Yoga..not all the poses I did before, but most.
  • Tomorrow I start back to all my normal activity schedule, which means teaching a Yoga class and a line dance class, taking part in two Zumba Gold classes plus all my work about the house.
  • I can work in the garden for an hour: did a little bit of digging with a shovel (gently, and only for a few minutes)--worked with the weed whacker (maybe 15 minutes)--pulling weeds (20 minutes)
  • I can straighten my "new" leg to the same extent as my other leg! (Prior to surgery, it would not go completely straight. There was about a 3-inch gap between my knee and the floor.)
My goals for the next few weeks:
1. Kick the infections
2. Continue to build flexion of my knee.

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