Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 29

I saw the doctor again this morning. The infected spot seems to be a bit better. It has been draining on the bandaids, and the area around it isn't quite so red and puffy. My doctor is pleased and feels that the antibiotics plus the povidone/iodine--antibacterial ointment--bandaid treatment are doing the job. 

I am to continue that process, and stay inactive for another 5 days...I may finish this quilt yet!! I sure am glad I have plenty of movies to entertain me, and the doggies are good company. 

Word to the wise: if you work in an office, then it is reasonable to be pretty much back to normal in 30 days; but if you have a job that requires you to be on your feet, or have a very active lifestyle..better allow at least 6 weeks to recuperate before you expect to be back to normal. 

I'm glad that I have two more weeks before I have to be back teaching my line dance class, althoug I would be thrilled to be back to teaching now, I am not read to do so.

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