Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 20: Up and Down!

Well, I had hoped the last two days of resting would pay off. But I did not sleep last night...grrrr! I simply could not get comfortable. The incision is itchy and sensitive to fabric brushing against it. I still can't sleep in my normal position, kind of on my tummy with a knee tucked up. When I turn on my side, with the surgery leg in top, the sheet rubs on the incision. So turn to the other side, and the mattress presses against the incision, and the top leg adds pressure...there is simply no comfortable position!

Seep and I are not friends to begin with. I would not say that I have insomnia, but rather that I tend to not need a lot of sleep--6-7 hours is quite normal for me. And forget about sleeping through a full moon! I can expect 2-3 nights where I only get 2-4 hours sleep at best. (But I don't usually feel tired from it). The only time I my life that I can ever remember this not being true was during pregnancy: 10 hours a night, from the day I got pregnant util the baby was born!

Since the surgery, I have averaged 8-9 hours most nights. I figure that makes sense: my body is healing, and should need more sleep. Until last night, I could take half a pain pill and that would help me sleep. It didn't work last night. I finally got to sleep about 6am and slept til 8. So I felt a bit "off" throughout the day.

But my physical therapy session went well, and about 1/2 hour after I realized how hard I had worked! I paid attention to applying ice as needed. No outside walk, it was raining. Went to bed at 9pm and slept til 7 the next morning.

Really looking forward to day 21: I get these annoying stitches removed!!

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