Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 27: Set-Back

My incision continues to be itchy and stiff. I am massaging it, and gently rubbing it to desensitize and soften it. But this morning I noticed a red bump on each side of the incision at the very base. It isn't very big..but as I massaged it mid-day I found a tiny bit of pus coming out of it. So I canceled going to Zumba Gold class (bummer!) - and called the doctor. Then waited until late afternoon to go see my doctor.

His assessment: "It is not unusual for this spot to have a problem, because there isn't much blood supply here. If we are lucky, it is just a stitch that hasn't dissolved yet. If we're not, then we have a joint infection." 

He didn't say what happens if it is a joint infection, and I am not asking, because I am hoping for the best! So it's shower/betadyne solution/anti-bacterial creme/bandage for the next two days, then I see my doctor again.

It is quite uncomfortable, and a bit discouraging, as I was just starting to feel like I could move about a bit more, and now I need to be "very quiet" - not quite "go to bed" - but close to that. And no more Zumba for "a couple weeks." 

Bummer! - - - - but hoping for the best; and for now, back to my couch.

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