Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 25: Mother's Day, 2013

I wish I had known how tired I would still be at this point of recovery! I would love to take today to hop in the car and go spend some time with my mom. Fortunately, my mom is a sweetie and has had both knee and shoulder replacements, and understands recovery.

So. Another day of laying around on the sofa. I took a bit of a walk, got tired. I had visits from my children, a phone visit with my mom. My son came and cooked barbecue dinner..scrumptious! And sitting at the table for half an hour, the thermometer at 80 degrees inside and 92 outside, was enough to send me back to my couch to put my feet up. We all had a good time, and then watched the ending of the movie "Ever After" together. It was a GOOD day.

Unfortunately, at this point I am daily fighting frustration, because I want to get busy again, my brain fog is clearing, but I am quickly reminded that my body is just not ready! Fortunately, I am surrounded by people willing to remind me to take it easy and heal.

I am moving better, and the scar is softening and allowing a bit more movement. The outer side of my knee, where the prosthesis is, has a funny kind-of-numb feeling. The bottom of the scar, and the spot where the IT band was detached and reattached is still very sensitive to touch. 

For a page with a good illustration of the IT band, click here.

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