Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 22

My physical therapist yesterday told me, "It's ONLY three and a half weeks since your surgery! If you said you wanted to take the next week and do nothing but rest, that would be perfectly normal!" 

Every fiber in my fitness-professional-being rebels at that!! I want to be up and doing. I want to start building muscle, work up a good sweat don't aerobic exercise! 

Here's my reality: I am not your average person. I am more fit in my age group than most people. I could be better, however the last few years have limited me...but that's not the point. I expected to be almost back to normal four weeks after surgery. I'm not going to make it. That frustrates me. So I must adjust my expectations and move forward.

I went to my Zumba Gold class today, and was able to do the entire sitting down. No, I didn't work as hard as I want to. For now, I am just happy to be able to be there. After class I stopped at a store for a short shopping trip, then home and apply ice pack to my knee. Not pain afterward, so that's a good sign. 

The weather, and needing the rest up after doing too much a week ago, have stopped me from my daily walk. It's supposed to clear up in the next few days, and I feel back on track, so I will be back at working toward that one-mile-a-day goal.  

Have discovered that the improvements to my performance have made practicing the flute a joy again. (See my other blog: FluteSoloMusic for details)

Other thoughts:
  • I am very glad it's my left leg! If it were the right, I would not be able to drive yet
  • It is going to take longer to heal than you think! 
  • One day of over-doing can lead to several days to recover
  • Patience is key to recovery
Oh, and the last of the scab is it's looking much better! Life is good.

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