Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 18: New Realization

A day of rest. For the last 41 years, I have taken the 7th day of the week to rest, pray, attend church. You would think after all those years, I have learned it all..not so. 

My body took control and so today I simply rested. I took pain pills (ugh). I used ice...a lot! (4 times during the day/evening). And this is what I discovered:

The frustration of the last two days was because I had done too much, pushed too hard, on day 16!! I kind of thought so, and so on Day 17, I tried to take it a bit easier...and did too much again! I didn't spend enough time with my legs above my heart..I didn't use the ice enough..I shunned the pain pills.  Result: by that evening I finally noticed my legs were a bit swollen at bedtime. I took a pain pill, and went to bed.

Still, when I got up this morning, I felt achy and tired. So I made the hard choice, to stay home from church, get my feet up, and apply ice. No long walk, but just what I needed to do to take care of food, toilet, etc. I did get nicely dressed, and, because it is so close, went over to church after services to see my friends, (after listening into services on the Internet connection). I took the non-narcotic pain pill so it would be safe to drive the short distance. And as soon as I returned home, I lay down, grabbed my ice bag, elevated.

Then early to bed with the narcotic pain pill. Hopefully day 19 will have me feeling well enough that I can get back to a good walk. 

I do think my brain is waking up and getting ahead of my knee capacity. So I am going to do my best to watch the clock tomorrow: 1 hour down, then walk a bit, or sit a bit, the down again..onward!!

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