Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Days 19

Day 19

Well, I had a good sleep, but still feel kind of tired. I guess two days of doing too much requires two days to recover! I still spent a lot of time with my feet up, and paid attention to the clock. I spent the day in this pattern: 
---sit with feet level for an hour; 
---get up and walk back and forth, do an exercise or two.
---lie down, feet above my heart, sometimes with ice on the knee for 30 minutes, depending on which exercises I had done.

I did walk outside, but it was cold and windy, and I got very tired..maybe only walked a little over 1/4 mile. 

I finished making the hairpin lace shawl that I started two weeks ago. So I have learned a new skill and used up some yarn in the process. I am getting very eager for my post-op appointment in two days.

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