Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Days 13 & 14

Day 13

I am still feeling a bit of the frustration from yesterday.. I guess it is mainly that I feel enough better to be more active...and then get tired very easily. I also notice my brain is still a bit foggy...I burned my cast iron pan this morning, becauseI forgot to turn the fire off when I used my breakfast!

Physical therapy went very well, though. I learned today that I have apparently been compensating for a much longer time than I thought. So I am having to completely change the way I walk. I have a very hard time placing an even load on my left leg. I tend to walk flat footed, instead of picking up the knee on my left leg and stepping heel-toe. I don't step as far forward with the right leg, and I don't extend the left leg behind. So much work to do. 

My daily walk is improving significantly..I actually hit my goal of 1/2 mile, although broke it into two walks, with a rest in between.

Day 14
That frustration seems to have gone away. I enjoy my half mile walk so much, that I take a second one later on in the day--about 1,000 feet.

I feel pretty good most of the day, although I catch myself hobbling about the 
house instead of walking correctly. It is amazing how hard it is to change my gait!! 

I once read a Reader's Digest Article: "Three Weeks to a Better Me." (Don't try to find it on the Internet..I just looked and what pops up is not what I am referring to). The article explained that if you want to build better habits, and can keep yourself on track for three weeks, you can establish the new habit in place of an older, bad habit. So I am going to put it to the test, and see if I ca fix my walk in three weeks, starting tomorrow. 

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