Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 4: Friday

Rain! I love a rainy day, especially when I can stay inside, cozy and warm, and watch it come down. It is a quiet day and I rest a lot. Late in the afternoon I have a visit from Sally, my Physical Therapist. Sally worked with me on my left knee, and the confusion checking out of the hospital had to do with connecting with her agency so that I could continue with someone I like, respect and trust.

It's very hard for me to work with Physical Therapy professionals. I respect their training and knowledge, and expect them to do the same for me. Yes, I am "only" a Personal Trainer, but I am highly self-educated. I understand body mechanics, and many of my clients were in the rehab process. Unfortunately, I have not always been able to find someone who would work with me from of basis of my knowledge, and that defeats the purpose of recovery. 

Sally and I have worked out the kinks, and have a good working relationship. So today's visit was to determine my status: set up base-lines in terms of ability to flex and extend my knee, walk, get up and down. We evaluated the exercises I am doing, and added a couple of goals. 

Due to the rain and the therapy, no outside walk today.

Late in the evening the kids arrive for a visit, and bring turkey, potatoes, yams, green beans and pie. Yum. (They had chosen to have their Thanksgiving Dinner today, so my daughter got a day off between school and cooking.)

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