Monday, December 16, 2013

Beginning Week Three.

I have made good progress! In the last two days I have increased my walking distance to the magic one mile mark. Why is it magic? Because if I can walk a mile daily and no discomfort, then I can get rid of my TED stockings by the end of this week. That's only a week sooner than my post-surgery instructions, but how nice to be out of them. Actually, they are quite comfortable. I'm just tired of having white legs.

I am now able to go up our staircase with alternating steps. I go slowly and lean forward from the hip to keep the pressure off the knees, and in the glutes, where it belongs. I can also go down the stairs the same way, but only by backing down. The trick with backing down is to have a staircase where you can hold on both sides, then lean forward and watch your feet. I can't recommend backing down to everyone! But if you have the balance, it is so much easier on your knees!

I can also tolerate sitting at the computer for 15-20 minutes at a time. I try to limit it, as my goal is to stay fairly still throughout this week. It's getting hard to be so sedentary, because I feel pretty good.

I don't have much pain, but I take pain pills as soon as I notice discomfort. I don't feel like I NEED the pills - but I have been told that it is better to take them in order to avoid any build-up of inflammation. 

I still can't sleep on my side, and am ever so tired of sleeping on my back. I have discovered that I can lay on my side for a few minutes, but that's not enough for good sleep. 

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