Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tuesday, Day 8: feeling much better!

My knee is much improved! Or rather, my pain is much improved. 
Here is what I have decided:

  • The exercises were OK. I didn't do too much...well maybe a tiny bit!
  • The outdoors walk, using crutches is fine.
  • Walking inside the house with only a cane is too much
  • I probably got a little dehydrated, also not good
  • I twist my knee when I get up and down, just a little, but repeated twists are not good.
  • I really, really need to find a way to get the leg above the heart at least some every day.
My therapist comes and confirms my conclusion. She has me doing straight leg lifts, first with her helping me, and then on my own. (Until now, that lift really hurt. I have needed to use a band to help me lift my leg up and down.) Progress finally!!

I almost skipped my outside walk, but decided to walk anyway. My leg was hurting just a bit at bedtime, so I took a pill..slept well!!

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