Friday, November 15, 2013

Surgery and the Dentist

If you have never had joint replacement surgery you may not know the connection between surgery and your dentist. I knew, and still messed up! 

Here's the deal: bacteria from your mouth is your enemy for the rest of your life! It has been discovered, that even as much as 10 years after a joint replacement, a visit to the dentist to have your teeth cleaned can release bacteria into your blood stream, which wanders around your body and attaches itself to your replaced joint causing major problems. To combat this, you will take antibiotics before every dental visit.

This is also why you cannot have dental work done starting 2 weeks before your surgery, and up to 3 months after. 

My advice:

If you can, go get your teeth cleaned at least 1 month prior to the surgery, and make sure to take x-rays! That way if you need any work done, there is time to recover before you get your new joint.

My (miserable) experience:

I had my usual appointment, they took x-rays, and discovered a cavity which looked bad enough that the dentist was concerned there could even be abcess under the crown. And guess what day I sat in her chair and heard this....Two weeks and 3 days before my surgery date!

Long story short, I spent a miserable weekend in fear that this would delay my surgery. At this moment everything is still on track (10 days to go!). I had a rushed appointment to see first my dentist for thorough evaluation, and then a surgeon for extraction. Now I am weak and worn out from not being able to eat much for 3 days. 

So, take my advice, and get that dental work early done if at all possible!

1 comment:

  1. These tips are great, Janet! Preparation for this kind of surgery is not easy. Everyone should really trust their dentist’s instructions and take the necessary tests one month before the actual surgery. This gives the patient enough time to ready himself/herself for the surgery. This was quite an experience for you. I hope you’re recovering well now!

    Stormy @
