Sunday, November 17, 2013

9 days to go!

I have done all my pre-op tests: CT scan, chest x-Ray, knee x-Ray, blood, urine, EKG, nose swab (to check for MRSA?), blood pressure, surgery class. I didn't have to attend the class, since I was here 6 months ago, but I chose to do so, and I am glad I did!

I am trying to focus and tying up the last-minute details so that a week from now I will be approaching surgery day relaxed, rested and calm. But the next three days are going to be busy: I am playing my flute in church today, have an annual recital tomorrow, and the next day a trip down to San Diego to spend a day and a half with mom (130 miles one way).

I am still recovering my diet after having a tooth removed. So I am taking special care to choose wise food choices. I am also hoping the scale will show another milestone of weight loss--meaning 1 more pound down. (I have only managed to drop 2 1/2 pounds in the last 4 months--grrrr!) I wanted that to be a much bigger number, but my body is really resisting!! Hopefully as this knee gets strong, I will be able to exercise more effectively, both aerobic and weight/resistance programs. 

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