Saturday, November 23, 2013

Countdown: 48 hours

In exactly 48 hours, I will be getting in the car and heading for the hospital. Am I ready? Yes--no. Today is a day of rest, so I won't be doing anything kore today. Here's tomorrow's list:

  • Change the sheets on our bed
  • Move all the throw rugs out of the way in our bedroom and bathroom
  • Finish gathering together any projects I may do during my convalescence and take them downstairs to the living room, where I will spend my days
  • Wash everything in the (dirty clothes) hampers
  • Move Granny's sewing box downstairs, and see that it is stocked with needles, thread, crochet hooks, etc
  • Pack the bag that Bob will bring to me after surgery
  • Pack the smaller bag I will take with me
  • Sweep the driveway so there will be at least a few less acorns to walk over (a daily outside walk is part of recovery! Since our street is not level, the first couple of days, I will walk up and down our driveway.)
  • Create music by playing my flute. Not so much as practice, but for the feeding of my soul.
  • Do so yoga, so I am relaxed physically
  • Eat heavy meals, but restorative foods, and hydrate my cells
  • Gather together the appropriate papers to take along
That's all I can think of at the moment.

My mental state, the same as last time, is one of calm excitement, eager to get this knee fixed so it can keep up with the other one. 

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