Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Monday, surgery day

Here we go again! Today was much the same as last time, except I was the second surgery, not the first. I checked in at 8:30. I was more alert during the pre-op. My nurse was the same lovely lady who set me up last time. This time I was awake when they put the femoral catheter in. It was not much more than a pin prick..but with a little sting to it. I don't remember the nurse inserting the IV feed last time. This time, she tried to put it in my hand, but the vein didn't cooperate, so it ended up at my elbow, which was annoying because I had to keep my arm pretty straight after that.

I was wide awake for the ride into the operating room, I slid onto the operating table and sat on the side for the epidural. Then lay down, stretch out my arm, and....."Mrs. Bordeaux...wake up!" I was in the post-op room, and the clock said 11:15. Such a funny feeling. 

Once I could start to wiggle my toes, I was taken up to my hospital room. The rest of the day was visits from nurses, Dr. Gilbert came by, the anesthesiologist checked on me. Physical therapy took me for a walk around the hall, then later on up and down the staircase. I had turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner (Yum!).

Pain pills and ice packs kept my knee from hurting too much.

During the night, I drifted in and out of sleep with the help of movies on the TV, and music on my iPod. I think the hardest part is staying in one position all the time, with the only variation being raising and lowering the bed. 

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