Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My knee is 1 week old today!

Pain levels: not good
Walking ability: terrific!
Flexion: stinks
Incision: healed and dry, so can be left without a bandage...I still put one on at night.
Stitches: look good, healing nicely.

Last evening and night were the same as Saturday night...painful. 
My therapist had to reschedule for tomorrow, so I am on my own. I am wanting to worry that something is wrong, but I squash that thought. I review the post surgery handout from the hospital, and my pain doesn't fit in the categories that require calling the doctors office or going to the hospital. I do communicate with one of the nurses at the hospital who assures me that the first two weeks can be very difficult, and everyone's experience is different.

The goal today:

  • Get that leg elevated somehow. (Have you ever tried getting your knee above your heart, and resting there? I decide my resistance ball may work--It does.)
  • Rest lying down more 
  • No cane .. Use crutches every time I get up
  • Walk the same distance (I can't resist the lure, and actually go farther)
  • Be very careful every time I move the leg to support it and not twist it (getting off the toilet without twisting is pretty tough)
Evening: some aching but not as bad as the last two nights
Tuesday morning: I actually slept all night without pain pills!! 
Conclusion: even though I CAN walk without the crutches, I shouldn't. Darn.

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