Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My knee is 6 months old!

Time to celebrate!! 🎉🎈🎉

I am so happy with my knee! It feels wonderful, and I am now doing (almost) everything I want to. At times when I am walking along, I suddenly become aware of how incredibly strong it feels, and then I giggle to myself. 

The only thing I am not (yet--I hope!) able to do is to crawl on hands and knees. This may not be a big deal to most people, but I really want to be able to do certain Yoga positions, like cat/dog sequence, which require hands and knees positions. Now, to be honest, I have not worked at it in a controlled progressive way. It's more a matter of occasionally putting myself in that position, with no weight on my left knee, then gradually allowing a bit of pressure. I do this ONLY on a cushioned firm surface (good carpet and pad). 

Happy, happy me! This surgery has given me a new life. What an awesome thing.

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