Sunday, January 19, 2014

January First..2014!!

Pain update: My therapist feels the pain is overworked and unhappy hamstring muscles, due to lazy gluteus medius. 

OK. This spot has hurt for at least 3 years. It isn't going to stop hurting overnight. I have my work cut out for me, and fortunately, with my training as a fitness pro, I can do it...but I know it will take a while. At some point, I may have to deal with re-training my brain to not send out pain signals because it remembers that spot hurt. 

Not thrilled. But at least I know what it hurting, and why, and what to do about it.


When I selected the surgery date that would mean no Thanksgiving, I decided I wanted to spend New Year's Day with my 94-year-old mother. So my husband and I made the 130-mile trip to spend the evening before and the day with her. Sitting in the car for the 2 1/2-3 hour trip was a very big deal. Last time around, I could not have managed it at this point in recovery.

Not only did it go well, but I drove the first 45 minutes! We had a lovely day, and had turkey with the trimmings. I was tired enough to not try driving on the way home, and my knee got pretty achy by the time we got here. It was well worth it, we had a lovely time.

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